2 Years with my Best Friend

Today is Michael and I's second Anniversary.
Some people ask, "Does it seem like 2 years?" No. Yes. It doesn't seem like we've been married for two years and yet I can't really remember life before him. Maybe it's because life with him is so incredible.
I can still vividly remember waking up the morning of our wedding. I remember thinking how excited I was to marry by best friend. I remember how excited/nervous I was to know that we would finally be able to go home together at the end of the day, that the next day I could wake up next to him. I remember all the little details of the day - the events, the people, the dancing, the words of love and welcoming, the party. I remember standing between my fathers, my heart racing, waiting for the doors of the sanctuary to open so I could see my soon to be husband for the first time that day...our day. I remember the sound of the piano piece playing in the church - "refiner's fire, my heart's one desire is to be.....holy." I couldn't take my eyes of this incredible gift that God blessed me with. I remember how grateful I was that we had held strong together thru hard times of trial against our Purity. What a gift we would be able to be to each other.
I remember feeling the Holy Spirit within that church. The visual covenant we made before all our family and friends - but most importantly together before our God. That sand still sits on our dresser in our bedroom. A beautiful reminder of the incredible gift I have. Marriage, companionship, dreams, goals, a vision, one day - a family. I also have my tiara in front of the container of sand. To me, it represents a glorious hope. The hope of the Bridegroom coming back for His beloved. The covenant that I've made with God to surrender and His promise to come for me. It's a reminder of many things. Today I have been Mrs. Michael Hutchinson for two years- and I am a blessed wife.
What I've learned in 2 years: (well some of it at least)
-I love you cannot be said enough, but must be said with truth.
-You are not always right, even if you think you are.
-Your parents are not as perfect as you may have though they were. (this is not a negative lesson, just a factual one)
-People come from different places and it takes time, patience and compromise to live together in unity.
-Being together is more important than doing together.
-Afternoon naps with someone you love is a great way to spend your time. (and is not a waste of time)
-Communication really is the key. Communication and God.
-Cleanliness is relative to the eyes that are looking at the sight.
-Once you are married, whiskers will forever be a part of your life...and are impossible to keep away from your bathroom countertop.
-Being silly together is so much fun.
-Others will not always understand, but as long as you are together in your decision, things will be ok.
-My favorite place in the world is in Michael's arms.
-There's no better way to start a day than to wake up next to the one you love.
Some people ask, "Does it seem like 2 years?" No. Yes. It doesn't seem like we've been married for two years and yet I can't really remember life before him. Maybe it's because life with him is so incredible.
I can still vividly remember waking up the morning of our wedding. I remember thinking how excited I was to marry by best friend. I remember how excited/nervous I was to know that we would finally be able to go home together at the end of the day, that the next day I could wake up next to him. I remember all the little details of the day - the events, the people, the dancing, the words of love and welcoming, the party. I remember standing between my fathers, my heart racing, waiting for the doors of the sanctuary to open so I could see my soon to be husband for the first time that day...our day. I remember the sound of the piano piece playing in the church - "refiner's fire, my heart's one desire is to be.....holy." I couldn't take my eyes of this incredible gift that God blessed me with. I remember how grateful I was that we had held strong together thru hard times of trial against our Purity. What a gift we would be able to be to each other.
I remember feeling the Holy Spirit within that church. The visual covenant we made before all our family and friends - but most importantly together before our God. That sand still sits on our dresser in our bedroom. A beautiful reminder of the incredible gift I have. Marriage, companionship, dreams, goals, a vision, one day - a family. I also have my tiara in front of the container of sand. To me, it represents a glorious hope. The hope of the Bridegroom coming back for His beloved. The covenant that I've made with God to surrender and His promise to come for me. It's a reminder of many things. Today I have been Mrs. Michael Hutchinson for two years- and I am a blessed wife.
What I've learned in 2 years: (well some of it at least)
-I love you cannot be said enough, but must be said with truth.
-You are not always right, even if you think you are.
-Your parents are not as perfect as you may have though they were. (this is not a negative lesson, just a factual one)
-People come from different places and it takes time, patience and compromise to live together in unity.
-Being together is more important than doing together.
-Afternoon naps with someone you love is a great way to spend your time. (and is not a waste of time)
-Communication really is the key. Communication and God.
-Cleanliness is relative to the eyes that are looking at the sight.
-Once you are married, whiskers will forever be a part of your life...and are impossible to keep away from your bathroom countertop.
-Being silly together is so much fun.
-Others will not always understand, but as long as you are together in your decision, things will be ok.
-My favorite place in the world is in Michael's arms.
-There's no better way to start a day than to wake up next to the one you love.
Happy Anniversary Michael, I love you.
You're my favorite, your my best friend, and I love knowing all my tomorrows are with you.
I still "choose you."