Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Everyday Miracles

Hey guys,
I just wanted to send out a quick praise report on something incredible that happened last week. Some of you may know that my aunt Cheryl has been dealing with a failed kidney for the past few years. She moved to Wetaskiwin a few years ago and one morning called Kelly up to say that she had a bleeding nose that wouldn't stop. He went over to her house and took her to the hospital - where she found out that her kidneys were failing. She's been going to dialysis since (where you are hooked up to a machine and it pumped blood through your system to clean it - the function your liver normally does) and has had a really hard time with her health - especially in the past year.
A few people from our family (my mom's side) took tests to see if they were compatible to give her their kidney. One of my aunts was compatible - and over the past couple of years has been in preperation to give her sister (my aunt Cheryl) her kidney.
Last week was the transplant surgery. Although many of these surgeries happen on a regular basis, there is still quite a bit of risk involved. I am grateful to say that the surgery went smoothly and both of my aunts are recovering well. It is so amazing to think that you can take organs from one human and put them into another and both people will function normally. Incredible!
I just wanted to let you all know. Have a great day!

For learning info:


Blogger Karyn said...

Wow! what an incredible gift for one sister to be able to give another

Wed Apr 18, 08:43:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To go through troubling times as your aunt did must be horrible. Some many questions with few answers. In her case, there was an answer, which will bring to an end the regime of dialysis. For some reasons, I have always been interested in the process of kidney failure. A very poor way to life your life. I am so very glad for your both of your aunts who have jointed together, literally.

There are many interesting story of memories (DNA) of the donor that transfers to the recipient.

Mon Apr 23, 07:38:00 PM

Blogger Vinjelu and Kathryn Muyaba said...

That is amazing victoria! I haven't ever heard a story about that (with people I know anyway).

I am so glad they are well, what an amazing gift!

Luv Kath

Thu Apr 26, 03:04:00 PM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

It's been an incredible experience for the both of them. Also, for many of my mom's siblings. There are alot of them - and it's really affected some of them...in a good way.

Fri Apr 27, 09:09:00 AM


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