Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tor's Ringette Schedule

Hey all - for those of you that would be interested in coming out sometime to watch a ringette game, here is my schedule for the next couple of weeks.

November 19 at 6:45 (Rivierre Que Barre (RQB)...just north of Edmonton)
November 20 at 7:45 (Bruderheim... about half an hour from our house...closest game location)
December 2 at 8:30 (RQB)
December 10 at 6:45 (RQB)
December 15 at 6:45 (Evansburg - West of Edmonton)
December 17 at 6:45 (RQB)

That's it for now. The games are not very long...two 23 minute periods...(mind you when I'm on the ice skating my butt off it feels like a long game) If you're interested in coming to a game, give us a call and we can either give you directions or you can drive with us....or whatever works.

Alrighty then, that's it for me...hope to hear from you all soon.
V - OUT!