Monday, January 15, 2007

2 Years with my Best Friend

Today is Michael and I's second Anniversary.

Some people ask, "Does it seem like 2 years?" No. Yes. It doesn't seem like we've been married for two years and yet I can't really remember life before him. Maybe it's because life with him is so incredible.

I can still vividly remember waking up the morning of our wedding. I remember thinking how excited I was to marry by best friend. I remember how excited/nervous I was to know that we would finally be able to go home together at the end of the day, that the next day I could wake up next to him. I remember all the little details of the day - the events, the people, the dancing, the words of love and welcoming, the party. I remember standing between my fathers, my heart racing, waiting for the doors of the sanctuary to open so I could see my soon to be husband for the first time that day...our day. I remember the sound of the piano piece playing in the church - "refiner's fire, my heart's one desire is to be.....holy." I couldn't take my eyes of this incredible gift that God blessed me with. I remember how grateful I was that we had held strong together thru hard times of trial against our Purity. What a gift we would be able to be to each other.

I remember feeling the Holy Spirit within that church. The visual covenant we made before all our family and friends - but most importantly together before our God. That sand still sits on our dresser in our bedroom. A beautiful reminder of the incredible gift I have. Marriage, companionship, dreams, goals, a vision, one day - a family. I also have my tiara in front of the container of sand. To me, it represents a glorious hope. The hope of the Bridegroom coming back for His beloved. The covenant that I've made with God to surrender and His promise to come for me. It's a reminder of many things. Today I have been Mrs. Michael Hutchinson for two years- and I am a blessed wife.

What I've learned in 2 years: (well some of it at least)
-I love you cannot be said enough, but must be said with truth.
-You are not always right, even if you think you are.
-Your parents are not as perfect as you may have though they were. (this is not a negative lesson, just a factual one)
-People come from different places and it takes time, patience and compromise to live together in unity.
-Being together is more important than doing together.
-Afternoon naps with someone you love is a great way to spend your time. (and is not a waste of time)
-Communication really is the key. Communication and God.
-Cleanliness is relative to the eyes that are looking at the sight.
-Once you are married, whiskers will forever be a part of your life...and are impossible to keep away from your bathroom countertop.
-Being silly together is so much fun.
-Others will not always understand, but as long as you are together in your decision, things will be ok.
-My favorite place in the world is in Michael's arms.
-There's no better way to start a day than to wake up next to the one you love.

Happy Anniversary Michael, I love you.
You're my favorite, your my best friend, and I love knowing all my tomorrows are with you.
I still "choose you."


Blogger Karyn said...

thanks for sharing your thoughts, Tor. Seems like you've learned alot in only 2 years.

Been thinking of you both all day and have been sending prayers of blessing your way.

I'm up with Dad and phone service is not great so this will have to be your Anniversary blessing - sorry. Please be sure Mike gets it as well. (Of course, I know Dad sent a blessing himself this morning)

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I pray that this next year will be another year in which you grow closer together in every way.

We are so proud of you both! Our son and our daughter.

Love you both! Mom

PS Tor - when do you want to do the spa thing?

Mon Jan 15, 04:06:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy anniversayr guy! I am planning on phoning you in a little bit here. I figured you'd be out for dinner or somthing.

but just wanted you to knwo I was thinking about you today, and am thankful another year has been lived in love and in commitment! Which is alot to say looking at the stats!

Congradualtions. Victoria your posting was beautiful and moving, Michael is blessed to have an adoring loving wife in you.

God bless always,

Mon Jan 15, 08:27:00 PM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

Thanks guys for the thoughts today and the warm wishes. Kath - unfortunately, Michael had to work today. So, right now I'm at his store and we're spending our Anniversary together at Mattress Gallery. It's ok though - just being together is great. I surprised him with a nice supper. I showed up and made him a great dinner. Teryaki salmon with fettuchinni in a blush sauce with garlic toast and zindfandel wine, candles and kisses. Oh -I also brought Marble Slab ice cream for dessert-maybe that's more for me than him though! ;)
I have more to tell, but will fill you all in later.

Oh -by the way - in case you didn't notice - there's another posting below this one with my schedule for my coming ringette tournament.

Mom - I've just been going over my schedule the last couple of days. There are some things I'm trying to plan out - I'll be in Calgary on business coming up pretty soon and then Ringette and the trip we are not taking until the last two weeks of March. Soon though - I'm thinking in February...but I'll give you notice when I have an idea. (Hope that works ok for you)

Mon Jan 15, 08:36:00 PM

Blogger Jan said...

Happy Anniversary!

What a nice post- it is so great to hear of other young couples that are so in love and happy! I loved hearing your memories of your wedding day! A day that will forever live in your memories! (Oh, and I absolutely LOVED the sand thing- I had never seen it before then and thought that it was a very powerful thing to do).

And to know that you truly enjoy being with each other just adds to the joy that when you do have children, you know that you will enjoy family time together that much more because there is just more love to share.

Having time just the 2 of you for a while is great- all aspects of your relationship grow and become strong enough to handle the changes that children bring (good and different, sometimes challenging).

May you continue to grow as a couple over the next year(s) and ready yourselves for the changes that will happen in your future!

God bless you in your 3rd year of marriage!

Love Janice

Mon Jan 15, 09:19:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kids,
Congrates, 2 can be like 20 years and 20 can be like 2 years.

Tue Jan 16, 08:21:00 AM

Blogger Karyn said...

the above comment was made by Dad, BTW

Tue Jan 16, 10:37:00 AM


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