Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Our Family Is Together Again!

Praise God - we found Curly! She had wandered around the other side of the building and someone saw her (and didn't see Mike loading his truck around the corner) and picked her up to let her have somewhere warm to stay for the night. Michael found her at the Vet's this morning and immediately went out and bought her a collar. We are also going to look at getting the dog chip put in her. The chip is something that they put in their ear (I think) and if a vet or other animal group gets a "stray" they check for a chip. The chip will show them the animals' info. Their owner, name, contact info, etc.

I think that God must be trying to really instill in me (us) the importance of appreciating family in the now. Don't take them for granted and assume they'll be there tomorrow. First Tyler, then Curly - this Christmas I will definetly appreciate the people I love and the blessing of being able to share another Christmas with them. Love you all and for our family - can't wait to share another special Christmas with you.

A piece of us is missing

I can't get into this too much because I'm at work right now and it's taking alot of effort for me to stay "together." Michael called me last night saying that he couldn't find Curly. He was loading his truck with a mattress and somewhere in that time Curly wandered away and we haven't seen her since. Daniel came up to visit last night and so Danny and I were out doing some of my final Christmas shopping - so we drove from south Edmonton to St. Albert to help Mike look for her. She went missing around 9pm and we drove around looking for her until about 11pm. It was too late to knock on doors and most of the vet places were closed. (As well as the Edmonton Dog Pound)
Michael and Danny went to St. Albert early this morning so they could look for her some more and make stops at the local vet offices. Michael will also call the Edmonton Dog Pound and the Edmonton Humane Society. We left a description of her with the police and posted a Lost Dog posting on Petlynx.

I didn't sleep more than a total of 2 hours last night. It felt so wrong to be at home without her. I got up in the middle of the night and just stared at her bed, crying. My prayers are that some nice people saw her and picked her up to keep her warm for the night. That they will drop her off at a vet today and we'll have our family complete again.

Please pray that Curly will come home today. Michael and I can't imagine life without her right now. Thanks.