Thursday, July 12, 2007

Baby Hutchinson

This is junior's first picture. Michael and I went to our first ultrasound yesterday and got to see our little one for the first time. At 14weeks, baby is sure a squirmer. The sonographer held the ultrasound instrument still for a while at the end so we could watch - and he/she was grooving all over the place. At first we were looking at a side profile like the one in the picture above, and then baby turned to face us. It was other real words to describe it. You could clearly see fingers and toes, feet and arms and legs. We even saw the heart beating!
It brings a whole new feeling to the pregnancy. Not that it didn't feel real before (especially as your throwing yourself into a toilet bowl!) but it's different than a bit of weight, 2 lines on a plastic tester and the doc saying "yup". Horray! We are so excited to be a new mommy and daddy.

PS. Now that I (Tor) am going into the 2nd trimester, things seem to be settling down more. Thank goodness! Food sights and smells aren't so bad and my appetite is slowly coming back.