Monday, April 09, 2007

MEXICO - Water Fun!

Hey Guys, This was some of the fun that Michael and I had in the water while in Mexico. For those of you that don't know - I LOVE THE WATER! On an Alberta summer day - my favorite thing to do is to be out on the lake with my parents - gettin' wet behind the boat or just chillin - so this was paradise for me.
Horseback riding on the beach in Mexico
Victoria doing a Mermaid impersonation
Michael and I went horseback riding on the beach. We even got to go bareback in the ocean!

It's on my list of top experiences ever - unforgettable!

Aww - what a cute couple.

We loved spending so much time together there (especially on the beach for me!)
*Sorry, I'm having some hard times getting this post to work - so this is all you get for now - more will come later. *