Friday, July 14, 2006

As per request from my fan club, at last a look into the day of Mike.

6:30am- The room is quiet, and I am asleep. All the sudden I am ripped from my usually wicked dreams by an alarm not even intended for me, I grumble and go back to sleep.

7:30am- again I am awakened but this time it is to say good bye to my wife as she is off to bring home the bacon. Again I doze off dreaming of cool things like wars, and flying, and superhuman abilities.

8:30am- My alarm goes off, by this time I am despising the sound of infernal machine. I hit snooze till about 9:00am.

9:06am-After laying in bed trying to remember what I was dreaming about I give up and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, usually get my hair wet, and make myself look as pretty as possible.

9:15am- Before getting dressed, I asses my physical state by looking in the mirror and weighing my self. Seems of late that I've been gaining a little fat but I'm still the same weight. Which tells me I'm losing muscle. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!

9:20am- By this time I am late leaving so i rush out the door get into my classy beaten up neon, and I'm on my way.

9:20am-9:57am- I drive to work

10:00am- Curly and I open the store, which involves flipping a switch.

10:30am- I load up a delivery!

11:00am- I go through warehouse and mark down who I have to phone about beds in.

11:30am- Customer comes in she is an elderly lady with her two granddaughters, and is looking for a bed for her spare bedroom. I show a few deals that I have going on and she's takes the prices and phones her husband to tell him to come down to choose and pay for one.

11:45am - While I am with the customer I have to send out another delivery. I finish that up and say goodbye to the customer with a promise that her husband will be down later today.

12:00pm- I am writing this blog and will update it when I have more to add.

And Now What You've All been Waiting For. The Conclusion To My Day!!!

Dun Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuuuuu.........

12:01pm-2:30pm- I'm at my computer and have decided to postpone the writing of my day till the rest has happened. I frequently play online poker tournaments, and right about now I registered for a $1.20 45 man tourny. This tourny I pay a buck 20 to play pays $14 for 1st $10 2nd $7 3rd $5 4th $4 5th $3 6th $2 7th. There are 45 other guys you have to beat. I play these most days as i win 6 out of 10 of them. Today i got first place and got $14 on my dollar, it was a dramatic finish i will not take you though.

3:00pm- I start writing out Thank you cards to customers, this is a very boring part of my day.

3:30pm-5:00pm- A customer comes in and is looking for a Memory foam bed ($$$$$$) lol so for the next 1 1/2 hours i take them through the pros and cons and end up selling them the nicest one i had.($$$$.$$)

5:30pm-7:00pm- Dealing with more customers I've nearly done 6000 now today, very busy which is why I couldn't finish my day that day.

7:00pm-9:00pm- i play another tournament and win another $7 bucks all during this tourny i had customers coming and going

9:00pm- I pack it up and head home, it takes me about 35min to drive home.

9:35pm- I get home, and give my wife a big hug we talk a bit and go down stairs to watch a ovie we rented a couple days prior. Victoria surprised me by staying awake the whole movie!!

12:00am- the movie is over it is late and so we go to bed to repeat the day again