Thursday, March 01, 2007


UUGGG! At the end of last week I felt a "little lump" in my throat - so all weekend I took extra vitamins including garlic & licorice which usually does the trick for me. This is probably the worst time for me to get sick because I have a HUGE meeting on Monday in Calgary that will have me there for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday dealing with a bunch of VIP's from Northern Alberta. (Fort McMurray)
So - on Monday evening it started to feel kinda worse - and by Tuesday it was pretty yucky. I took Wednesday off work to try and get better - but today (Thursday) it's full out. Pounding head, stuffy then runny nose, no voice, sore throat - yuck yuck yuck.
So - this post isn't to whine - it's actually a prayer request. I seriously cannot miss the meetings I have next week for work - so please pray that I get better soon. I can't really take tomorrow off of work either because I have a ton of follow up stuff to do before I'm gone for next week.
Ugg. ...again.
Thanks guys. Hope to chat soon.