Thursday, May 03, 2007

Mr. Hutchinson-Gretzsky

For those of you that don't know, Michael is playing hockey this summer. His friend (and our Mattress Gallery partner) Kale invited him to join the summer league team that he's been playing on for a few years. Michael's first game was this past Tuesday night.
I have to be honest, at first I wasn't very enthusiastic about Mike playing because I was concerned that he would find himself out of his league. I know that he played hours upon hours of homeschool "farm" hockey - but I also was aware of the fact that these men that he would be playing with/against probably had years and years of league play. League play with coaches, practices, positioning, plays, etc - (not to mention playing with equipment on)

Michael did great. He let the guys on his team know that this form of hockey was a bit new to him - and they were great with giving him pointers and helping him find positioning on the ice.
By the end of his first game, he looked like he'd been playing with these guys for a long time - a natural. He even is tied in team points for the assist that he got!

I'll try to add a pic of him that I took at home while he was making sure his equipment fit right.
(I've always had a thing for hockey players - he's cute!....even when he comes out of the dressing room sweaty and stinky!)


Blogger Mike and Tor said...

Oh - just to be honest, I was also not so enthusiastic about him playing because I was worried he might get hurt - but this is a "no contact" league. And - they actually don't abuse that too much (from what I saw of this first game). It is however a slapshot league.....hmmmm.

Thu May 03, 10:05:00 AM

Blogger Karyn said...

make sure he wears a helmet.

I'm not too surprised, though, that he can hold his own with other fellas - Mike has always been a pretty good athlete. Andrew and Rob have both played on adult leagues and done well.

Of course, I think my boys can do anything they put their minds to. I am NOT biased, BTW

Thu May 03, 04:30:00 PM

Blogger Karyn said...

BTW, Victoria....It is good to hear from you again. Don't forget to keep this updated - I, at least, like to see/hear what you are up to or or thinking of.

Thu May 03, 04:31:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Victoria, this will give you man abs of steel after he goes through the valley of pain.....hehe...atta boy Mike, you calves burning about your will be able to hop right over the counter at the Matress Gal instead of walking around. Well after you drag your butt while you muscles catch up with your spirit.

Thu May 03, 08:19:00 PM

Blogger Rob... said...

That's awesome! Hockey rocks. Mike will have fun.

Fri May 04, 09:36:00 AM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

Thanks Mom, sorry I haven't blogged as much as usual. Work has been very busy (which is where I usually blog) and so I've been preoccupied with those tasks. I'll make a point of getting more on - if at least for your sake of hearing me ramble on.

The next day after his game, Mike was very excited that he was "barely sore". I said I was happy for him, but secretly chuckled to myself knowing that the NEXT day he'd feel the real reactions of his muscles. I was correct - and he's moving a bit slower lately than usual. However - he is still really young and so his muscle memory will come back pretty fast. Good thing for him because he has his second game this Monday evening and almost half his team will be away - so he'll have even more ice time than usual.
Can't wait for him to get a couple more games under his belt. I LOVE watching him play. What a hunk I married! (I always liked the jock boys...)

Fri May 04, 01:21:00 PM

Blogger Vinjelu and Kathryn Muyaba said...

Hey guys!

Sounds like alot of fun mike! I'm proud of you! Wish I could see a game, you were always natural on the ice, and a good team player, i am not surprised you got an assist.

Love ya

Wed May 09, 05:18:00 PM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

If anyone reads this again - Michael got a second assist in his second game - tying him for team lead in points. Horray for my sweety!
Kath - are you guys going to be back in Canada anytime soon? Maybe you can come to a game?

Thu May 10, 09:01:00 AM


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