Friday, December 08, 2006

Ringette is supposed to be a no contact sport!

Hey all,

Don't have too much that SUPER exciting to write about. No attempted kidnappings this week or any stolen vehicles...which is fine by me. The most newsworthy story for us this week was a neck injury I recieved in Ringette last weekend.
We played a team that was truthfully the roughest, least sportsman-like team I've ever played in any sport - and it ended up leaving me feeling a bit roughed up. Mike said he's never felt so tense watching a sport before in his life. Good thing he has improved on his self-control since he was little, because he says he wanted to stand up on the boards and immitate one of those crazy hockey parents yelling at the refs. "WHAT WAS THAT REF!? WHERE'S THE CALL!?"

One of the first plays of the game was someone cross-checking me from behind into the boards. At the time, it wasn't a big deal except for the fact that it was illegal (both in the contact sport Hockey and in Ringette), but a couple of days later I sure felt it. I also left the game with some bruised ribs (I thought they were broken at first) from some spearing I was on the wrong end of. Funny thing about the cross-checking incident was that the ref gave ME the penalty saying that it was interference! Don't get me started on that, let's just say that everyone else agrees that it was a horrible call. Maybe the ref was jealous of all the media Ref Magoo got in the Oilers' game a month ago.

My neck was so stiff and sore by Tuesday afternoon that I couldn't move it back and forth. So I went to see a doc and he gave me some anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant pills. That helped a ton but I ended up having to take Wednesday off because the muscle relaxants not only relaxes your muscles, but your eyelids too. They cause drowsiness in a major way and I know I'm a crazy enough driver without being drugged up - so I slept most of the day Wednesday. Today (Friday), things are feeling much better. I can turn side to side without looking like a stiff penguin and have been stretching things so the muscle is starting to heal and relax once again.
Ringette- it's not just a fast sport, but sometimes it's a rough one too (even if it's not supposed to be). Hope some of you can make it out to a game sometime.
Luv you all!