Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Our Family Is Together Again!

Praise God - we found Curly! She had wandered around the other side of the building and someone saw her (and didn't see Mike loading his truck around the corner) and picked her up to let her have somewhere warm to stay for the night. Michael found her at the Vet's this morning and immediately went out and bought her a collar. We are also going to look at getting the dog chip put in her. The chip is something that they put in their ear (I think) and if a vet or other animal group gets a "stray" they check for a chip. The chip will show them the animals' info. Their owner, name, contact info, etc.

I think that God must be trying to really instill in me (us) the importance of appreciating family in the now. Don't take them for granted and assume they'll be there tomorrow. First Tyler, then Curly - this Christmas I will definetly appreciate the people I love and the blessing of being able to share another Christmas with them. Love you all and for our family - can't wait to share another special Christmas with you.


Blogger Karyn said...

I'll bet Curly was happy to see Mike, too!

Thank God for kind people who care about little dogs enough to have taken her to the vet so she could be found.

Did you ever think, Victoria, that you would be so upset about a dog? I'm glad that you love her so much.

Maybe Mike should consider tying her up when he is loading since this is the second time she's wandered off when he is outside working. The collar (I assume with a name tag, etc) is a good first step - the chip, maybe, too, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure as they say.

Give Curly a belly rub for me and tell her that even if she does annoy me, I couldn't bear to think of her being lost.

I cried when I read about her being gone - even though I'd already read that she had been found.

Love you all!

Tue Dec 19, 03:55:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise God!


Tue Dec 19, 03:59:00 PM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

I never would have imagined that the hairy creature I was uncertain of would capture my heartstrings the way I realized over the past couple of days.
I'll suggest to Mike about the leash thing, but I'm sure that he'll be keeping his eyes on her better from now on. It was hard enough for him to have Curly missing - little own seeing me so upset. It was an emotionally draining day.
Not just because we lost, then found Curly, but also because our car was broken into in the parkade that I park in. Long story - I might post something about it, but there's not much to say except that someone broke into our car. Didn't (or at least not that we've noticed so far) appear to do any damage to the car except they attempted to take the cd player out - unsuccessfully and store our cd case (holding approx 100 cds - at least $1000 worth) and our vehicle registration and insurance papers. At least they didn't steal the car. It was quite the day - that's for sure...and now it's really late and I need some sleep...must close my eyes....sleeeeeeeppppppppyyyyyy.

I'll pass the belly rub onto Curly for you mom. I cried so much - my eyes are all dried up now - literally. See you soon!

Wed Dec 20, 01:48:00 AM


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