Friday, July 14, 2006

As per request from my fan club, at last a look into the day of Mike.

6:30am- The room is quiet, and I am asleep. All the sudden I am ripped from my usually wicked dreams by an alarm not even intended for me, I grumble and go back to sleep.

7:30am- again I am awakened but this time it is to say good bye to my wife as she is off to bring home the bacon. Again I doze off dreaming of cool things like wars, and flying, and superhuman abilities.

8:30am- My alarm goes off, by this time I am despising the sound of infernal machine. I hit snooze till about 9:00am.

9:06am-After laying in bed trying to remember what I was dreaming about I give up and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, usually get my hair wet, and make myself look as pretty as possible.

9:15am- Before getting dressed, I asses my physical state by looking in the mirror and weighing my self. Seems of late that I've been gaining a little fat but I'm still the same weight. Which tells me I'm losing muscle. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!

9:20am- By this time I am late leaving so i rush out the door get into my classy beaten up neon, and I'm on my way.

9:20am-9:57am- I drive to work

10:00am- Curly and I open the store, which involves flipping a switch.

10:30am- I load up a delivery!

11:00am- I go through warehouse and mark down who I have to phone about beds in.

11:30am- Customer comes in she is an elderly lady with her two granddaughters, and is looking for a bed for her spare bedroom. I show a few deals that I have going on and she's takes the prices and phones her husband to tell him to come down to choose and pay for one.

11:45am - While I am with the customer I have to send out another delivery. I finish that up and say goodbye to the customer with a promise that her husband will be down later today.

12:00pm- I am writing this blog and will update it when I have more to add.

And Now What You've All been Waiting For. The Conclusion To My Day!!!

Dun Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuuuuu.........

12:01pm-2:30pm- I'm at my computer and have decided to postpone the writing of my day till the rest has happened. I frequently play online poker tournaments, and right about now I registered for a $1.20 45 man tourny. This tourny I pay a buck 20 to play pays $14 for 1st $10 2nd $7 3rd $5 4th $4 5th $3 6th $2 7th. There are 45 other guys you have to beat. I play these most days as i win 6 out of 10 of them. Today i got first place and got $14 on my dollar, it was a dramatic finish i will not take you though.

3:00pm- I start writing out Thank you cards to customers, this is a very boring part of my day.

3:30pm-5:00pm- A customer comes in and is looking for a Memory foam bed ($$$$$$) lol so for the next 1 1/2 hours i take them through the pros and cons and end up selling them the nicest one i had.($$$$.$$)

5:30pm-7:00pm- Dealing with more customers I've nearly done 6000 now today, very busy which is why I couldn't finish my day that day.

7:00pm-9:00pm- i play another tournament and win another $7 bucks all during this tourny i had customers coming and going

9:00pm- I pack it up and head home, it takes me about 35min to drive home.

9:35pm- I get home, and give my wife a big hug we talk a bit and go down stairs to watch a ovie we rented a couple days prior. Victoria surprised me by staying awake the whole movie!!

12:00am- the movie is over it is late and so we go to bed to repeat the day again


Blogger Karyn said...

hey, finally! looking forward to the rest of the day. Love your description of getting up and getting ready for work

Fri Jul 14, 03:45:00 PM

Blogger Karyn said...

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Fri Jul 14, 03:45:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey mike, good stuff! can't wait to hear the rest.

Fri Jul 14, 08:10:00 PM

Blogger Karyn said...

so, were you so incredibly busy in the afternoon that you didn't have time to add to this? or were you so incredibly bored that you figured we wouldn't want to read about it? Or, did you develop a case of amnesia and forget to finish? Or were you abducted by aliens and were not around to finish?

Sat Jul 15, 12:29:00 AM

Blogger Rob... said...

Mike you know how to use Photo Shop. Good job!! And why oh WHY are you wearing a thong?

Sat Jul 15, 02:24:00 AM

Blogger Karyn said...

I was wondering the same thing - actually, I was wondering if he was wearing anything but I was pretty queered out to ask

Sat Jul 15, 10:32:00 AM

Blogger Karyn said...

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Sat Jul 15, 10:32:00 AM

Blogger Rob... said...

Ok, I just talked to Mike and he said that it was boxers. I GUESS I can see the boxers now.

Sat Jul 15, 12:27:00 PM

Blogger Karyn said...

all right, I can see a waist band but why are they see through?

Sat Jul 15, 02:38:00 PM

Blogger Vinjelu and Kathryn Muyaba said...

Nice butt mike.. woohoo!!!

Aysh this latter day saints guys is sitting beside me and probably thought I was looking at some cheap porn!!! Keep the pictures PG please:) (joking)

Anyway, you sleep late hey! How late do you stay at work?


Mon Jul 17, 12:57:00 AM

Blogger Karyn said...

Thanks for the rest of your day, buddy! Very interesting. Glad to hear you are having a good sales month! One of these days we'll come and see you at work

Wed Jul 19, 01:34:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lukey get to stay in bed all morning. sounds like u have goos days there big guy. at least u have a curly for company

Sun Jul 23, 10:15:00 PM


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