Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Joshua and Luke's Dedication

Joshua and Luke are being dedicated on Sunday morning. You are all more than welcome to join us. It's being held at Leduc Family Worship Center on BlackGold Drive in Leduc. The service starts at 10:30am and usually lasts for just over an hour.

My mom has used this opportunity to invite all of her family (the Oliver family) to come and join together in a family supper on Saturday night. This is quite an event as
a) the family doesn't get together much anymore since my grandparents died. This is kind of sad because we used to always get together. Many of my fond memories are of playing with my cousins in a house FULL of people at my grandparents' in Brooks.
b) there's a TON of Olivers. To give you an mom is the youngest of 11 kids and all of them but 1 have kids. I think the last time I counted I had approx. 32 first cousins, 25 second cousins and 2 or 3 third cousins! Yes, I know most of their names and am still pretty close with alot of them.
So - it'll be a busy family filled weekend.

But more importantly, Joshua and Luke are being dedicated. I thank Him and give God praise for the incredible things He's done in my family. It's been amazing to watch Him work and evolve my family from what it was in the past to what it is now. He is good.

I would ask that you pray for my family.

For Mom, Kelly, Tyler, Michael (who will unfortunately be work) and myself, that as we dedicate ourselves to commit to being Godly examples to these boys, that He reveal to us what that means and would help us truly create a covenant that we all will honor. I also ask that you pray for the Oliver family that will be there. For some of them, they understand what a dedication is because they have relationships with Jesus. For many of them though, they don't know God. They were raised in a very strict, religious Catholic home and are very bitter and hurt by many things. Please pray that God would speak to them and use this opportunity to help them realize His love and Hope.

Thank you for your prayers. They are truly appreciated.


Blogger Karyn said...

Of course, Tor, I will pray for your family. Have a good time with a house full of family - where are you all having supper? Not at your mom's, I assume, since you could never fit that many people into their house. :) Let us know how it goes - how many of the family make it out, etc.

Take lots of pictures so when Josh and Luke are older they can see how much they are loved.

Wed Nov 22, 01:15:00 PM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

CPC in Wetaskiwin is letting us use their basement to host the family so we'll have everything there. I'll try to take pics. I think that we are having the whole family on stage for the dedication, but I'll try to pass our camera off to someone. It takes a while for the camera to ready itself for the next shot - so hoepfully we'll get some good ones in there. I'll definetly take pics at the supper.
I'm going to try and upload some of the pics from our camera to my computer in the next while so I can use them in my blogs. Right now they are all trapped in our camera. I think there's pics in there from last summer even. (the one we went houseboating on...!)
Thank you for your prayers.

Wed Nov 22, 02:13:00 PM


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