Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Victoria's a mechanic! well....sort of

Hey everyone,
With this nice balmy weather, we've been trying to get things in order for winter. Our main focus right now is our vehicles. We just sold our Cavalier yesterday. My (Victoria) cousin's girlfriend needed a vehicle and so we sold her our green little Cavalier. That was a relief until the next morning when we tried to go out and start Mike's neon. It wouldn't start. The battery is fine and it's turning over and even firing a bit - but no starting. So....it was an early morning for us on Monday. Left the house and drove the truck thru rush hour traffic to Michael's store and then I turned around and drove thru rush hour from St. Albert to downtown. ARRRGGHHH 2 hours in the truck just to get to work...at 8:30am. (It was an early early morning)
Then, in the afternoon, I drove the truck to Wetaskiwin so that Kelly and I could work on it. The heater core blew in it a couple of weeks ago causing the cab to fog up and the passenger side floor to be pooled in antifreeze.
Kelly and I figured out how to get at the heater core and while Kelly did that, I changed the oil. (Not too bad hey! Mind you, I had oil everywhere - face, hair, yuck!) Then I took the sun visor off the roof and re-siliconed the screws holding it on because the roof was starting to leak a bit.
So - I've officially decided that I REALLY DON'T LIKE WINTER! It's not just because of this, there's more too it, but it would be much easier and cheaper if we didn't have to deal with living thru these cold and snowy seasons.
I went out and bought both Michael and I AMA today - so at least that'll be in our back pocket for the winter if something happens.
If we can't get the Neon fixed in the very near future, we'll be forced to go out and buy winter tires for the srt. Not our first choice because it's expensive and the srt stays in better condition if you don't drive it in the winter, but alas, we must be able to get to work.

Sorry for the nerdy vehicle blog guys - it just seems like our life is vehicles and solving problems lately.
Oh Lord, let your joy be my strength.
Love you guys!


Blogger Karyn said...

Good for you, Tor!

I agree - we could do without the snow, ice, cold. More winters like last winter would be nice!

Thu Nov 02, 10:32:00 AM


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