Friday, November 03, 2006


For those of you that don't know it already, I hate dog hair. Always have. So this fall when Curly started shedding her undercoat, I suggested we shave her. We decided not to, but after a while and (literally) bags full of hair - we decided Curly was getting a haircut. So last Sunday night, Michael shaved off her fur - leaving her exposed and looking quite like a Chiuiauia (spelling?)
We thought she would look pretty dorky, but it's not too bad. It makes her ears look really big and bat-like. Lol - it's kinda cute.
We knew she'd be pretty chilly with this cold weather, so I took out an old sweater of mine (that used to be my mom's at one point) and Michael sewed her a sweater. We also picked her up a jacket for in the cold cold winter days. Lol - I always used to make fun of those freaky dog people - and now I'm dressing Curly up in clothes. My
So, for the Hutchy's - you'll see the new Curly on Sunday when we come to visit. And for the rest of you - I'll try to post a picture in the next couple of days if I get some time.

(ps. oh ya, we bought her little pink boots too...we're such nerds!)


Blogger Rob... said...

You said it not me. I laugh at you now.

Fri Nov 03, 01:39:00 PM

Blogger Jan said...

Hey, I am one of those freaky dog people- Hope has a coat and a Christmas sweater adn a Christmas hat!

Sun Nov 05, 02:17:00 PM

Blogger Karyn said...

I loved the denim jacket! The boots....not so much. I'd rather see poor little skinny curly looking dorky than cold, anyway. And, she already has a sweater that Dad bought her - just have to find it. I'm going to go get Riley a denim jacket!

Mon Nov 06, 07:58:00 AM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

Lol - and I bought her a stocking for Christmas. She's going to get some doggy treats and maybe a jacket...we'll see. I'm a bit of a sucker now for cool clothes for her. I know - but I excuse it on the fact that we shaved her.
Lol - she looks like a little puppy now without all her hair...cute did you transform my heart????

Tue Nov 14, 09:28:00 AM


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