Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Happy Birthday Aunty Mel!

Today is Mel Ritchie's birthday. Just wanted to put a shout out there to her and wish her a Greatest Fantasticist Birthday...ist? lol Ever! Thanks to aunty Mel for always being so fun, funny, joyful and excited about life. Your love of life is contagious and we are blessed from it.
You are also a great hard worker. Working hard for your family. We pray that this coming year God would bring you and your family much prosperity, health, healing, and blessings above what you can grasp or imagine.
We love you very much!


Blogger Karyn said...

Amen to that!

Tue Sep 19, 10:36:00 PM

Blogger melanie said...

Thanks kids, and you are a big blessing in my life. You keep me younger than I am, that might be a bad thing once in awhile though, ha ha.

Sun Sep 24, 08:03:00 AM


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