Friday, March 09, 2007


Hey Shannon,
I'm adding this post just for you so that when you check out my blog you'll get an "official welcome!"
Hope you enjoy and also hope you are feeling better. Give me a ring when you read this...because I'm sure your laughing right now!

For everyone else...
Shannon (just last name! Right Shannon! lol) is my new office buddy. I've been at work now by myself for ....well it seems forever. Shannon is the new SAIT Gov't Relations person and is the new great addition to my day. Always cheerful and fun - she's a refreshing change to the office. She was in an accident last week so she's laid up stiff at home trying to feel better - so for entertainment she's reading our blog. Everyone say hey to Shannon if you get the chance. I'm sure some of you will meet her in the future...for your sake I hope you do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Shannon - I'm glad you have been added to Victoria's office experience! I never liked to think of her working all alone in that big space.

Victoria's Mom-in-law, Karyn

Mon Mar 12, 09:08:00 AM


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