Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Telus makes a good decision

Hi Everyone,
Some of you received an email that I sent out a few days ago. It was on some information that I received from Focus on the Family Canada about Telus' decision to add pornography downloadin as a service option to their cellular customers. Just as I asked those that received the email to, I wrote the CRTC requesting them to intervene to not allow Telus to go on with such a wreckless money ploy. Today I received a reply back from the CRTC with some helpful information as well as a link to a recent article stating that Telus had decided to back away from that business idea because of the negative response they received from some of their current customers. Hooray. It is preventing millions of people (including many minors) from having yet another easy source for the spread of pornography. I am copying the message I received from CRTC below for those that may be interested in reading...along with the link to the article about Telus.

Dear Ms. Hutchinson:
Thank you for writing to the Commission regarding your cellular telephone service.
While the CRTC regulates several areas of the Canadian telecommunications industry, the degree of the regulation varies depending on the services being offered and the degree of competition. The Commission has forborne from regulating, or has maintained a low level of regulation, for wireless, long distance and Internet services where we have found that competition is sufficient to protect the public interest. In other words, those services are subject to very limited regulation – we do not regulate the business practices of cellular companies.

Our Fact Sheet on Cellular (Wireless) Telephone Services sets out what is and is not regulated by the CRTC and contains information on a number of issues related to cellular telephone services. You can read it at the following address:

You should also be aware that the CRTC does not regulate the Internet and the ability of consumers to download materials from the Internet to their personal electronic devices. For content that is generated in Canada, there are tools to deal with material that may be considered offensive. These include industry self-regulation, content filtering software, and increased media awareness.

If a person believes that obscenity is the issue, he/she can ask the police to investigate. For obscene materials, Canadian laws are in place. The CRTC does not administer the obscenity provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada. The obscenity laws are administered by the provincial governments through their Justice departments.

In a telecommunications environment, which is becoming increasingly competitive, it is in the provider’s best interest to address the needs and concerns of its current and potential subscribers or risk the loss of that customer for all, or part of, its telecommunications services to a competitor. That is why when we receive customer complaints against such unregulated companies, we suggest the client contact the provider directly. For a recent update, you may be interested in the following newspaper article:

If you have ongoing problems with Telus Mobility services, you can contact Telus by phone at 1-866-558-2273 (toll-free) or electronically by accessing Telus' "Client care - Contact us" webpage at the following address:

I hope this information is helpful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm all for the CRTC keeping its reglatory nose out of our airwaves.

But what do we do when we have no choice as to a cellular phone provider?

Telus is the only company that covers (almost) the entire province. Dad and I need to be able to get cell service in places "most" people don't go - Telus is our only choice. I'm very glad, for this reason, that Telus has decided it would not be good for PR (at this time) to go ahead with providing porn of any kind on their phones.

However, don't be surprised if in a few years they try again and nobody notices. In fact, that is probably their plan. Introduce it now - take the backlash, back down, then, when the conservative public thinks they have won the battle, slip it in without any hoopla and by the time anyone protests, it's a done deal.

Is my cynacism showing?

Good thing you didn't watch the Oscars with me - cynacism was in full bloom that night! It is "An Inconvenient Truth" that the older you get, the less rose tinting is on your glasses. I'm not sure if that is good or bad.

Sorry for the long, rambling comment.


Wed Feb 28, 12:09:00 PM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

Thanks for the comments. Michael and I were actually talking about this today and unfortunately - I had the same comment. It's a sad truth that company's business plans now include a "preview announcement" only to test the waters and go thru the initial backlash - then regain their public composure by announcing their allegiance to their customers' desires...and quietly sneak it in the backdoor anyways a little ways down the road.
It's also unfortunate that there is still such a monopoly over the quality cellular service that we have to choose. It's either choose the other guys - and suffer in reception/etc. or go with Telus. (or other companys in other industries)
Smart by them, crappy for our so called Capitalistic free choice economy.
Ah well - I can choose to also go without a cell phone. Let's just say that I may choose that - except my company pays for my cell phone right now - so I go with who they have the contract with.

Wed Feb 28, 11:32:00 PM

Blogger Rob... said...

I just saw an article in the National Post about it this morning. But that's great to hear that they have decided to back off.

And there is nothing that we can do about the lack of competition in Canada for cell phones. We just don't have the population to justify extending coverage from the other providers or another larger one joining the fray. There would be no money in it. One of the 'problems' of living in a gigantic country with a tiny population.

Thu Mar 01, 10:27:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I didn't hear anything about that, thanx for posting that victoria.

Probably because we don't usually open forwards. Sorry...


Thu Mar 01, 10:47:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that if they were to go through with it they would loose alot of cell contracts. because parents dont want their kids walking around with the avalibility to porn on a regular basis. i know it wouldnt be even a day before my kid didnt have a cell phone. but i agree with mom and tor, i think this was just a testing the waters trial run and later on they will bring it back without anyone knowing. dosent rogers wierless have cell services in alberta now. that was a question. dan

Thu Mar 01, 12:22:00 PM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

Yes Dan Rogers does have cell service - Michael has his work cell phone on that - and surprisingly it's usually better reception and coverage than my cell (Telus)

Thu Mar 01, 08:34:00 PM

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