Tuesday, December 05, 2006

New Premier

For those of you that haven't followed the PC Leadership race - Ed Stelmach is going to be the new Premier of Alberta. I know that (at least in the Hutchinson family) there is a diverse group of opinions on politics. My opinion is that I'm happy with this outcome. I'll be honest and say that I'm not well versed in the platforms of all the contenders, and have not given the situation as much time as I think I should have (considering that these results will affect all Albertans whether they participate or not) - but I have listened enough to hear that Ed Stelmach, should he continue in the way he has so far, will make a good Premier. It's been said that Ed is the only contender that has not used slander of the opposition as an attempt to increase their support. I applaud that and think it's a great example of true leadership.
There is more than this example to make me think that Alberta is on it's way to a good future.
Check out the new Premier's site to educate yourself on the new leader of one (if not THE) best places to live in this world.


Blogger Rob... said...

Yeah I had no idea what any of them stood for myself. From what I did hear that Morton guy would have been fun. He's who we were pulling for. But I've also heard that Stelmach is a good guy, so we should be in good hands.

Tue Dec 05, 10:43:00 AM

Blogger Karyn said...

I was also pulling for Ted Morton, but would much rather have Stelmach than Dinning! Thanks for the link, I'll go read it so I have an idea what to expect from this guy. I also feel that the contender that doesn't have to stoop to mud-slinging shows good character and leadership. I wonder what Klein and his strongest supporters in his cabinet think?

Wed Dec 06, 08:55:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya Morton would have been Ralph+. Stelmach will be the moderate right. Dinning would have been the moderate left. We did just fine in the end. Stelmach will stumble a bit trying to to offend people, but give him a year and he will get it figured out. I don't know how successful he was as a farmer by Vegerville, but I am sure he was the head of many groups and discussions with things going well at the home front while attending away.

Good Pick for Alberta, especially with the oil/gas industry heading into a big dive.

Sat Dec 09, 10:10:00 AM


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