Friday, December 01, 2006

Life is short - Appreciate the time you have with the one's you love everyday!

To follow up on my quick post yesterday, here's what happened:

Tyler was on a play date with Joshua Smallwood yesterday. Kelly was driving to Calgary to deliver some beds to a ministry that they support. Mom had an appointment and so the boys were being babysat by a family friend.

Sabine took the boys to Edmonton to run some errands. One of her stops was a quick one at Zellers. She figured she was just going to be a second, so she left the boys in the truck and left it running.
A man jumped into the truck after Sabine had left and started driving off with the boys in the backseat. Joshua Smallwood thought fast (thank God!) and unbuckled and started opening his door while yelling "I want to get out!" The man slowed the vehicle down and swung his arms behind the driver's seat to push the boys out. Tyler had a bit of trouble getting his seatbelt undone as fast as Joshua, but was able to get out of the SUV before it had sped up too fast. The man drove off, stealing the Smallwoods SUV and the boys ran inside the Zellers.

I received the call from the friend looking after the boys about what happened and closed my office and went and picked up Tyler. He was physically not hurt, but obviously was pretty scared about what happened.

Thank God that He caused the situation to go in such a way that the boys didn't get hurt, or kidnapped, or so many ways that it could have gone. Thank God that Joshua thought to yell and say he wanted out. Thank God for His protection over the boys. Thank God for the reminder yesterday that life is so precious. That family is so important and to remember to appreciate the time you have with the one's you love.

If you haven't told someone you love them today, please do. You never know if you'll have that chance again.

Thank you all for your prayers. If you're reading this blog, you're someone in Michael and I's life that means something special to us. We love you.


Blogger Jan said...

Wow, I have goosebumps all over from reading this. I'm so glad to hear that everyone is safe. Hugs, love and prayers.

Fri Dec 01, 01:37:00 PM

Blogger Rob... said...

Jeepers! I cannot imagine how freaked out you must feel, Victoria!And very thankful that god took care of your family. I'm really glad everyone's okay.

Fri Dec 01, 04:17:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh have you and your family been doing Victoria?? I almost cried when I read your blog. I'm really glad those boys were quick thinkers and they made it out okay. I love you and your fam.


Fri Dec 01, 07:03:00 PM

Blogger Karyn said...

Praise God.

We love you.

Sat Dec 02, 06:14:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many times must a car be stolen with children in it for adults to stop being lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The innocent depend on us!!! This care giver needs a spankin' and a harsh talkin' to.

Dad, who takes care of 50 people everyday in a toxic and fataly poisonous environment where people would die if I acted like this "care giver" did. I do not appologize for being harsh. If you can't be responsible, don't take the responsibility.

780-608-5396 call me anytime.

Sat Dec 02, 10:34:00 AM

Blogger arlene said...

That's why I still don't leave my keys in the vehicle when I get out, even to gas up, when my boys are in the vehicle. And they're almost teen agers!! That's SO scary, AND such a testimony to God's goodness! Thank God that all that was lost was a vehicle.

Sun Dec 03, 08:14:00 AM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

To clarify on the situation: the person that was watching the boys thought that the doors were locked in the vehicle when she left it, but that type of SUV has a "safety" feature on it that makes it so you can't lock your keys in the vehicle. Still not the best judgement, but she did think that the vehicle was locked.

An update: The vehicle was found. The man was also found and apprehended. There are a few other details that I won't disclose online as I know that there are some minors that read these blogs. If you'd like to know more, ask me sometime and I'll let you know the rest of the story too.
Thank you all for your concern and thoughts for us. Tyler is doing fine now. He learned a lesson first hand that not all people are nice people or have good intentions. He (and all of us) have learned something valuable from this situation.

By the way...who is the person that commented anonymous and didn't put a name? Just a number...I kind of recognize the number...but I don't know who you are. Danny??? Andy and Keltie???

Mon Dec 04, 09:29:00 AM

Blogger Rob... said...

That was Dad.

Mon Dec 04, 10:45:00 AM

Blogger Karyn said...

Yes, annonymous was Dad - he did sign it - in the middle of his comment.

I'm glad to hear the person in question was not quite as irresponsible as it sounded! That restores some of my faith in people's judgement. Is the vehicle a new one so she was not familiar with that feature? My truck has the same feature - It must be locked by either another remote lock or by using the keypad - but it can be locked while it is running.

PTL that the vehicle AND the perpetrator have been reovered/apprehended! That is a miracle!

Of course, the greatest miracle and reason for praising God is that the 2 little boys were unharmed. It could have been so much worse. God's grace and protection are there even when we make wrong choices!

The wonder of Him. sometimes I am overwhelmed by His love for us.

Tue Dec 05, 07:59:00 AM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

Yes, God's love for us is amazing. I've been left in awe many times - and yet I still sometimes forget how He's watched over me. Funny how us humans can have such short memories when it comes to that.

I am praying now that God would use this situation somehow to touch the man that stole the vehicle. He must have gone through some harsh things to take him to the point of where he is now. My hope is that thru this situation, God would speak to his heart and that he would come to know the Lord. Actually, I tried to teach Tyler a lesson in praying for your enemies when it happened. After I picked him up, we sat in the car and I hugged him and we talked a bit. Then I told him that we should pray for the man that stole the vehicle because God not only wants us to pray for those we love, but for our enemies too. So, we prayed that day that God would find the vehicle and that the man would come to know God's love and accept Jesus into his heart. It was something new to Tyler - to pray for an enemy...but another opportunity to live out God's Word.

Tue Dec 05, 08:15:00 AM

Blogger Karyn said...

good response to Tyler's situation, Victoria! We should all respond to our "enemies" with prayer - maybe if you teach 'em young enough, the little ones will! I know I don't usually respond with prayer FOR the ones who hurt me. At least, not at first

Tue Dec 05, 08:29:00 AM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

Thanks Mom. It's not normally my initial reaction either. I don't think that it was really MY idea...if you get my drift. I'm glad that Tyler and I have the relationship that we do so that I could have the opportunity to show him by example there and he feel comfortable to talk with me and share the way he did. He was pretty scared at the time.

Wed Dec 06, 05:33:00 AM


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