Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Praise Report - I'll give details later

I just wanted to write and give a short praise report. I don't have the time, nor am I in the right frame of mind right now to give details, but I will fill people in later.
Thank you God for your protection. Today there was an incident with Tyler that made our family realize how precious his life is to us. He was in a situation that had the potential of serious danger and loss for our family - potentially his life. But the Lord looked out for him and kept him as safe as the situation would allow. He was not physically hurt at all and was only left feeling scared. I praise HIM for some quick thinking that occured and for the safety of Joshua and Tyler.

For those of you that read this, please pray that the Smallwood family's stolen vehicle would be found. Pray that they find it quickly and in good condition. Pray for the person that stole their vehicle. Praise God that the man allowed for the boys to get out and that in the process, they didn't get hurt.

I'll update you more when I get the chance. Thank you all for your prayers.



Blogger Karyn said...

Thank You, Jesus, for your blood that covers and protects us and our little ones!

We'll be looking for the details, Tor! How did Tyler's thinking help him and the little boys?

Fri Dec 01, 06:08:00 AM


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