Thursday, January 25, 2007

Prayer Request

Hey guys,
I was just commenting on Kath's blog about letting people know when you have prayer requests...and it brought to my mind something that I'd like to request prayer for as well.

Most of you reading this (if you don't know - ask and I'll update you or read previous posts) have heard about the incident that happened with Tyler just before Christmas. He was in a vehicle with a friend when someone jumped in the vehicle to steal it. Both Tyler and his friend were able to escape with little physical injury, but it has mentally affected Tyler since. Tyler will often run from where he is in the house -to the front door and lock it - for no particular reason. He will not get into a vehicle unless my parents put him in - and then immediately walk around to the other side and get in...even if his little brothers are already in the vehicle. He's not comfortable going to some public places, like restaraunts. He'd rather have drive-thru and eat in the vehicle (preferrably with it driving...not sitting still). There are a few other things as well, but the point of this is that it has left an impact on him that he is finding hard to overcome.
Anyone that know Tyler knows that he is an extremely friendly, outgoing kid that is expressive and fun. These actions are not like him. We've been taking specific action to help him get past this, but would also welcome the prayer support of others. Please help us by praying for Tyler.

Thank you, your support is genuinely appreciated and means alot to us.


Blogger Karyn said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Tyler is still having to suffer the trauma of that incident. Of course, I'll keep him in my prayers.

Thu Jan 25, 05:57:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be honest about the world that we live in. He is a smart lad. He would understand the his battle is not against flesh and blood. We do not have be afraid of flesh and blood. Flesh and blood have no power over us, as we are spirit beings residing in flesh and blood. Tyler's battle is against principalities and power and wickness in high places. He knows what it means to be strong and fight. Pray that is concept of battle does not get won over by the fear of the flesh. Tyler was born to be a champion, a warrior. Tyler was born to be wounded but not die. Tyler was born to challange those powers that appear strong to the flesh but vanish in the presence God's light. This is why this attack has happened. The enemy is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Satan cares not the Tyler is yet so young and tender. Satan knows and can see who Tyler is and the threat Tyler is becoming. Tyler must be taught about God's calling upon his life and the power God has for him to receive to fulfil that calling. God has a plan and very special purpose for Tyler. Shower Tyler with prayer. Help him to understand the truth of what REALLY happened the day the car was jacked. Trust me, he will understand and you will see what the truth releases in Tyler and be amazed. Tyler is a young child, but there is a great calling upon his life to be the "one who knows no fear."

Fri Jan 26, 08:00:00 PM

Blogger Mike and Tor said...

Who said that? Dad?
Thank you for that message.
I think God gives us discernment (sp?) over what to tell younger people, but I completely agree that he has a special calling on his life and will (the spirit inside anyways) understand the message of what he is really battling.
I will have a conversation with him tomorrow when I'm over at the house to look after the boys. There is such an amazing plan for his life...and yes - he is already a threat to the one that does not want the God in us to thrive. Tyler is a special boy. Thanks again for sharing those words...a good reminder.

Sat Jan 27, 01:12:00 AM

Blogger Karyn said...

of course, that was Dad

Sun Jan 28, 07:11:00 PM


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